🛠️ TheCrust Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Note: The format of this document is based on the Keep a Changelog second revision, and this project follows Semantic Versioning and prefixes the major version with the upstream major version number.
🔖 TheCrust-EP1
TheCrust-EP1 V1.2 - 2024-10-9
✨ Added
- Enabling LiftX UI V2
TheCrust-EP1 V1.1a - 2024-10-8
⚙️ Changed
- Eliminate matchmaking camps
- Friendly Wound Mechanism
TheCrust-EP1 V1.1 - 2024-10-3
✨ Added
- New version of LiftX UI
- Added features such as avatar display
TheCrust-EP1 V1.0c - 2024-9-25
- Fix the bug that the leaderboard pass time can’t be uploaded properly
TheCrust-EP1 V1.0b - 2024-9-24
⚙️ Changed
- Add newbie benefit (5000 coins)
- Add Skip Settlement button (single player only)
- Adjust map difficulty
⚙️ Fixes
- Fix code bugs
- Fix Leaderboard Code Bugs
- Fix a bug in the value system cloud storage call
🔖 TheCrust-EP2
TheCrust-EP2 V1.0a - 2024-11-1
⚙️ Fixes
- Fix achievement acquisition judgment